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Movie Review | First Wives Club

Rating: 59/100

Here’s another review for a movie that you probably don’t care about. But hey… if you’re like me, you might be starting to run out of things to watch. Is that really possible though? Especially when you’re subscribed to all the streaming services. Maybe it’s just that I can’t find anything to pique my interest. 

How about giving a 30-year-old movie a try. Have you ever heard of The First Wives Club? Well, it’s on Prime right now which might be a good enough reason to waste two hours on it. Now it’s my job to convince you whether or not that’s a good idea. 

Step 1… Establishing what the movie is about. Four college friends are united 20 years later after one of them takes a plunge from her Penthouse. Catching up, the three remaining women learn that they’re all being left by their husbands for younger women. The horror. In revenge, the group creates the First Wives Club to bring these horrible men down. 

What a harsh beginning for what’s supposed to be a comedy. A real slapstick of the 90s with a knockout cast. 

Step 2… I’ll talk about all the things I liked about The First Wives Clubs. ???? Just kidding. There are some good points here somewhere. *Opens random cabinets* 

Everyone from everything was in this movie. Even the father from Seventh Heaven makes an appearance (and you might just join me in being freaked out that he could be so bad). It was great to see those golden ladies kill it on the screen. Midler, Keaton, and Hawn all turned fifty while filming the movie, and wow… do they look amazing. GOALS. I just need a couple of million dollars to pull it off. 

Except for the technology, I think that the film can hold strong with today’s audience. The topic is still relevant for today’s time and the dialogue wasn’t catchy. Maybe just the clothes really dated the whole thing. 

It was sad to learn that the ladies never got to make the sequel they deserve. Even though they beat out the competition at the box office, the executives thought the success was a fluke - though it’s been a successful storyline in other movies like The Other Woman. Clearly, it’s never a good idea to listen to what the masses are telling you. It’s a safer bet to keep remaking the same action movie, because who really wants to watch a group of women getting back at the evil men in their lives. It might just give today’s ladies too many ideas. 

Step 3…. Time to talk dirty, aka all the things I didn’t like about The First Wives Club. Even though I wanted to love the film, there was nothing to suck me in. I wasn’t necessarily bored, I just wasn’t invested like I wanted to be. It felt like your typical commercial film from the 90s made to draw in the crowds. The serious moments were attempted but ultimately fell flat. And when it came to the end, the revenge wasn’t explained enough to make me think it was worth it. The cherry on top was the score. Boy was that dated. I’m glad the trend for movie scoring has shifted. 

So, now that you’ve heard the points, have you made your decision? Will you give this little thing a chance or will you keep scrolling through your options? 

The First Wives Club was cute and sweet and a great moment for the best actors of their time. But maybe it’s best left for background noise. 

Happy Watching

Love Kait