“Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. ”
Hello Friends!
Who am I? *queue music from Les Miserables* - 24601!
Ok…. Serious face enabled. (I can’t help but leave that part in everytime)
Hi Friends, I’m Kait, a crazy girl that quit her Ride Control Engineer job at Disney, moved 3,000 miles to Seattle, and now finally, after seven long years, has figured out what she actually wants to do with her life. It only took entering her thirties, moving back to Florida, and digressing back to childhood to achieve that but hey… no one is really counting that part… right
I grew up in Florida as a wild child. Frizzy windswept hair and all, running outside until the streetlights came on and mothers would call for their children to come in. Lizards and alligators were common pests, lightning and rain were snack breaks, living further than a short drive to the beach was inconceivable, and seasons were tracked by whether or not we had to make a hurricane box and then eating all of the supplies before the next season (I can no longer stand the smell of canned baked beans).
Finding myself was one part courage and two parts looking back at what I did as a child. Between running around, wreaking havoc, and figuring out if the bug bites would kill me, I made up stories. Stories that kept me surviving my childhood. I never wrote them down because the in between moments were too hard. I didn’t want to sit there and figure out the right words to describe how someone got up from a chair. I just wanted to write the plot.
It was hard, but I eventually took on those monsters and wrote my first book. In the middle of that life chunk, I also wrote some children’s stories that got bought. Don’t ask me where they are unless you plan on taking a trip to China. It’s a long story. And then finally, my fairy godmother, in the form of a bearded redhead that is my twin in spirit, walked into my life… aka my husband’s office, and changed everything.
I have a knack for the dramatics…
But I need it.
And now I co-host the podcast Dark Side of the Word with my critique partner CJ while teaching myself graphic design, querying my book, skate boarding, playing the drums (with aspirations of joining a band), and trying to figure out how to become a stylist.
So I figured I would take you all on the ride with me.
Hopefully, you’ll love me for my content. I want to be as consistent on here as I can, but the art is always first. That’s the stuff that will get me places. Otherwise, expect all things book and movie related in my hilarious, truly honest style. Most things will be kept spoiler free and I’ll let you know when they’re not. I might even slide in a few blogs about the journey - that’s only if I find the courage or the time. Both of which take long vacations in southern France. I wish I was there with them.
So Hi - I’m Kait - it’s nice to meet you.We’ll have to see how long it takes me to rewrite this about me. Maybe it will be when my dreams of living in Ireland come true.
A girl can only dream.
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