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Movie Review | Kate and Leopold

It’s time for a throwback friends. 

I personally thought it was weird to write a review for a movie that came out almost twenty years ago, but during this Covid-19 time, I think I found a niche. 

*whispers…. Netflix*

There are so many older movies on Netflix, and unless you had your finger on the pulse of movies all those years ago, how are you to know how good they are? I mean, you could take a chance, it’s so easy to hit the back button, find something different to watch. But that in itself can turn into a depressing endeavour that takes up the whole night. Instead, how about a nice little review to give an idea of what these old school movies are about. 

I’m also going to make a little plug here for the newest thing since sliced bread. I really wish it had been around when my husband and I were doing the long distance thing. Nope, we had to do it old school - count to three and pray that you hit the play button at the same time.

Anyways, I watched this movie using Netflix Party. And let me tell you, Netflix Party has turned into a lifesaver. 

Now moving on to the point of the blog. As usual, I’m talking about everything else but what you want. I’m all those blogs that I hate, having to scroll down until I get the content I came for. 

And here I did it again.

Kate and Leopold is the movie we need when the world is looking so bleak - especially after Trump’s announcement last weekend about pushing lockdown until April 30th. I’m going to talk about three main things - its age, its rating, and the comedy.

First… its age. Like I’ve already mentioned, this movie is about to hit its 20th birthday. Ignoring the first two seconds of outdated CGI (maybe there are a couple of more places), the technology on the sets and the costumes and the whole thing has aged like a fine wine. Even better than my all time favorite Independence Day, which will hold the test of time. The key is it’s unique approach. Kate isn't your typical female character swooning for love. She’s still relatable as a career woman whose first thought is her promotion and not the hot guy a floor up. As I’ve watched all of these newer romance movies, I really appreciated the fresh take. Mix it with the dialogue and I think this movie could have a solid 20 more years in its future. 

Second… that rating. PG friends, this movie is rated PG. How many times have you had to read that sentence before it sunk in? Don’t click away yet… I promise that the movie is still very good. What can a PG movie not have though? Well…. Sex. And that’s important. How can any romance be explored without that vital part? I mean, the most you get in a PG movie is a kiss. A kiss that doesn’t even move past the pressing of closed lips together. It just means that the writers have to be good at what they do. They have to give you all the emotions without the sexual attraction, and boy did they do it for Kate and Leopold. Not once was I wanting more. I was fully committed to the relationship. So if you have little eyes in your house my friend, this is the perfect movie to pull up. And if you need a little more, let your imagination do the exploring.

Lastly… the comedy. Again, the writers did such a good job that the comedy didn’t date itself. Instead, it felt like they knew that they were going over the top and went there. Like A Simple Favor, they played up their assets, and in doing so, they created handfuls of good comedy. Which is why I think this is the movie to watch during these trying times. Laugh off all that anxiety you’re feeling. I know I did. For a solid two hours I was lost. 

Well that’s all folks. 

I hope that you enjoyed this review on Kate and Leopold. And if you’re looking for more Netflix recommendations during this trying time. I suggest you try my Netflix page under the Movie Review tab.

Happy Watching

Love Kait