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Book Review | Cruise Reading | Romance

I can never read anything too heavy when I’m traveling, especially not when I’m cruising. So for my trip this month, I loaded my Kindle with all the salacious romance books on my TBR list. I didn’t get through as many as I wanted, there might have been a lot of naps, but here is a short review for the three that I did managed to get through. 

Easy by Tammara Webber

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Rating: 3 out of 5

This might not be considered a light read. I’ll admit, the synopsis didn’t fully prepare me for what happens in the first chapter. A few trigger warnings might have been nice. So let me be your trigger warning… Rape is a strong part of the book. It happens in the first chapter and plays the catalyst for the rest of the story. Webber handles the topic well, having the important conversations in a time before the #metoo movement. The story is still relevant for today’s audience though. I loved rooting for Jacqueline and watching her grow. 

Getting past the shock value, I really enjoyed reading Easy…. Is that wrong to say with the subject matter? The rest of the book was good. The love interest was constructed with every ingredient to make a woman swoon. Ugh… you played unfair Webber. Even with the conversation of rape, the bones of the characters were strong. There was a lot of back story and character development. This isn’t just a bodice ripping romance book. There’s plenty of substance to keep you interested. 

And did I mention that Lucas is swoon worthy???

I just had to make sure. This is one self published title that deserves a read. 

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F*ck Love by Tarryn Fisher

Rating: 2 out of 5

What did I just read?

Like really…. I’m lost and so happy that I’m done. 

F*ck Love came under my radar because my friends won’t stop talking about the upcoming signing Fisher is doing. Maybe I picked up the wrong book to start with. It’s probably the only one I’m going to read by her though. 

Nothing made sense. We jump from decision to decision with weird consequences playing out. If you want an example of not keeping characters true to themselves, read this. You’ll sit there shaking your head. Stack this on top of the writing and there’s nothing there to save the book. So much of the story was telling instead of showing. Not good with a romance story. I don’t know about you, but I read romance to really get into the story. I want all the feelings, not a bland recount. I’d like an order of immersive moments with a side of emotions please. 

I haven’t even touched on the content. I’m not against stories about falling for your best friend's boyfriend. I read Something Borrowed like everyone else. Those stories work because they give something to love about the protagonist. That was missing with Helena. She could have drowned in the puddle she created. I cared less. 

I hate to be so mean… but nothing made me like the book. 

I’m lying. There was one thing. It was based partly in Florida.

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Sex, Not Love by Vi Keeland

Rating: 4 out of 5

I loved this book.

And like the end of my trip, I was crying for more. I’m already geared up for another Keeland book. 

Do you see the rating? Most romance books hover around the 3 star mark for me. It’s not because I don’t like them, but it’s like reality TV. The umph of true artistry is missing. A few have passed the 3 star point with flying colors. Sex, Not Love flew past waving. 

Keeland weaves the two characters POV perfectly, giving just enough backstory to keep you turning the page. And even though you know what the point of the story is, you know that there’s going to be a focus on the sex and the love, there is so much more here. Enough to hold this book in the actual fiction section. If you like romance stories but need the books to have some meat, this is the perfect one for you. Don’t let the title or the cover scare you away. 

Just trust me…. I swear I’m not driving off the end of a cliff

The story gives each character believable reasons for their actions. While Hunter struggles with long term relationships, Natlia is dealing with the mess of her ex husband’s scams, forcing her to care for his teenage daughter. Pour in some steam and you’ve got a page turner on your hands. 

Happy Reading

Love Kait

Reading Challenge: 103/110